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Google Clips - New Product from Google - Android Junglee

Google Clips – New Product from Google

At the Google’s “Made by Google” event, Google introduces its new camera called “Google Clips”. This camera uses machine learning to automatically sense when there is something exciting happening in a scene and will start recording to make sure your best moments are saved. You can place it anywhere and check back later to see some interesting moments.

Google Clips record footage automatically and upload to Google Photos automatically, where it will get free unlimited video storage. The Internet is also not mandatory to use clips, but it will connect to your phone to use it.

Google Clips can mount to a different object, and you’ll be able to get footage of things you usually wouldn’t have access to. Clips can record 3 hours of video before you have to charge it in again. You can also use Google clips to capture photos. Google is trying to make Clips extraordinarily versatile and people who want to share short moments in their life will love this. Google Clips is priced at $249 in the US.

M A Utsav
the authorM A Utsav
Computer Engineer and Developer by Education but also a Geek, Tech Enthusiast who has the passion for technology. I am also a blogger and tech Youtuber.

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