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Apps Archives - Android Junglee



Hotstar app download : Best Entertainment app in India

HotStar App is the latest streaming android app in the market. The app has lot to offer to stream online content without paying any bucks. Hotstar app is introduced on seeing current demand for streaming online movies, TV Shows, Live Cricket...


Best Dating Apps In India 2019

Finding the best dating app in India isn't that easy task as there are tons of dating apps flooded around the Play store. Dating in India is quite different compared to the West and it's getting popular each year. Gone...


Top 5 Android Trendy Apps of 2019

You can find about 2 million applications on Google Play. This number will be enough for everyone who buys smartphones on Android in search of high-quality third-party solutions.  There are top 5 Android trendy apps of 2019, which will help...


Best Casino Android Games

Looking for the best casino game to play on your android phone? Here is the list of best casino android games for 2018. Best Casino Game for Android 25-In-Casino 25-In-Casino is a free android game and one of the most...

AppsHow To

How to use Tez App ?

Searching on how to use Tez App? Google has launched its payments app for India called Tez. After the demonstration happens last year there is rapid growth in digital payments space and Google is going take advantage of this.This app...


Best Android Apps in India 2017

Search for the best android apps in India? We have listed the best apps suited for all the categories which include Mobile wallets, Banking, Travel, Shopping, Cricket, Music Streaming, News, Entertainment. Best Apps for Android In India Mobile Wallet Android...

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