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Google comes up with "Free app of the week", section to the Play Store - Android Junglee

Google comes up with “Free app of the week”, section to the Play Store

Ever since Google started allowing paid apps and games to temporarily go on sale, we’ve seen dozens of great deals. Perhaps in an effort to better highlight these sales, Google has added a ‘Free App of the Week’ section to the Google Play Store.

The section can be found by scrolling down on the ‘Apps’ page of the Play Store, on either desktop or mobile, or simply by clicking the source link at the bottom of the post. Currently the featured app is ‘Card Wars – Adventure Time,’ with the sale ending in five days.

Kaushik Battu
the authorKaushik Battu
A tech enthusiast, who is interested to know about latest tech updates around the world. Loves to do hands-on of new smartphones and a foodie. Obsessed with watching YouTube.

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