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Android Go: A lighter version of Android - Android Junglee

Android Go: A lighter version of Android

Google has announced the Android Go in its Google I/O Keynote Address. Android Go is the lighter version of Android targetted for developing budget-oriented smartphones.

Remember Android One? The project didn’t do well as expected. Now Google is keen on developing a better OS (Android Go) for budget smartphones. Android Go is made to run on the phones with 1 GB RAM or 512 MB RAM. So essentially, it is designed to work on low end memory devices.

Google Play store to feature the apps (like YouTube Go) with less power and data consumption Apps for Android Go devices. These are the basic fatures of Go and it is expected to launch in 2018.

the authorNaveen
Professional Blogger since 2014 and a founder of AndroidJunglee. A fitness freak who belongs to the city of Nizams.

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