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Exclusive: All Yu Devices to get support from Micromax Service Centers - Android Junglee

Exclusive: All Yu Devices to get support from Micromax Service Centers

Finally the news you were waiting for, all YU devices to get support from Micromax Service centers. YU Televentures  which is the sub-brand of Micromax used to give door step service. The method failed miserably, after getting so many complaints from the users, Micromax decided to give its service for all YU devices.

Few days back, YU announced 825+ service centers across the country only for Yunique users. YU has covered its service centers to all the major cities like Delhi, Hyderabad, Chennai and Bangalore. It seems the company is concerned about the service which was the most negative feedback received from users.


It is the right move by YU, as Micromax has established service centers across India. Earlier, the users were confused about the service of YU devices where they used to visit Micromax Service centers to get the service. Most of YU users were unaware of doorstep service which I must say was disaster move.

This is the exclusive news we have received from YU officials. The company is yet to announce officially but expect the service for all YU devices from Micromax Service centers.

the authorNaveen
Professional Blogger since 2014 and a founder of AndroidJunglee. A fitness freak who belongs to the city of Nizams.

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