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Xiaomi Note 4 explosion is a fake news : Mi India - Android Junglee

Xiaomi Note 4 explosion is a fake news : Mi India

Xiaomi has been a great brand in the Indian markets. In the recent times, Xiaomi Mi faced some issues about their devices such as Redmi Note 4 being exploding. The news was called off as fake as per new reports from Mi.

Xiaomi said that Redmi Note 4 has no relations with explosion happened at that point. The incident was a about a customer from Bangalore called Arjun. The guy was using a faulty third party charger to charge the smartphone and some physical damage by customer. All these details came out after Mi investigated deeply on this issue.

You can check out the statement given by Xiaomi Mi in the above picture. As per the statement, they also said that the video has nothing to do as they checked out the CCTV cameras on the Poorvika store and Redmi Note 4 was irrelavent to from the video which was circulated on the web virally.

Because of a member of a blogging page, the issue was made big on the internet and using a irrelavent video made the issue viral. Xiaomi also said that they are gonna take some legal action against the publisher of this post.

Kaushik Battu
the authorKaushik Battu
A tech enthusiast, who is interested to know about latest tech updates around the world. Loves to do hands-on of new smartphones and a foodie. Obsessed with watching YouTube.

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