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Vivo V5 Blasts While Charging in a Local Store - Android Junglee

Vivo V5 Blasts While Charging in a Local Store

Earlier this year we had reports of the blasting of the Vivo V5 and even one of the known YouTuber, Sharmaji Technical (a.k.a. Praval Sharma) got his V5 blasted. It looked like it was a just one-time case but things didn’t seem to be good.

A new report came earlier this month on 7th when a Facebook user posted the picture of Vivo V5 being exploding in the local store while charging. Other than him, many other users captured that exploded V5 in their cameras.

The issue persists mostly when the phone was charging. I hope it doesn’t become a Galaxy Note 7 of this year since there have been many reports about the blasts being happening.

And recently Vivo announced their V5s, the successor to Vivo V5 and if the V5 just keep exploding it’ll blatantly effect the sales of V5s and other Vivo products as well. There will be people who will think that this isn’t serious. However, there will always be those who will not take a risk. The company needs to take the proper actions once to find the problem and fix them in the upcoming batches at least.

Source: Facebook

Android Junglee Team

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