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VithU App: A Woman Safety App by Gumrah

VithU App: A Woman Safety App by Gumrah

vithu app

vithU app

VithU App as the name suggests it is always with you. VithU App is the Gumrah Iniative launched a few months ago. Gumrah a popular show broadcasted by Channel V. The main goal of this app is to provide security for women. VithU app is getting popular day by day, thanks to Kareena Kapoor. Personally I watch the episodes of Gumrah, mind you its really an interesting show to watch

How To Use VithU App

VithU App is available in both Android and IOS platforms.Very simple to use this app. We can understand by following screenshots. As you open this app a message pops up ‘ A valid Internet connection is needed to access all Local services’. After that you need select desired contacts whom you want to send alert message. Now go to settings>wireless settings>enable access to location.
VithU app

By default the app has 2 contacts to select and can be increased by clicking on ‘Add to contacts’. After selecting contacts then click on ‘Activate’. By pressing power button 2 times a  message will be send. The message would be ‘ I am in danger. I need help. Please follow my location’. The message will allow the recievers to find out the last location of the victim.
vithU app

VithU App developers have provided an option called ‘Submit Story’. The users can submit their story to Gumrah about the experience of VithU. Not only women, elders who live alone at home this app can be handy to use.

PROS: A very good app for womens who stay far from their family. It is free of cost which can downloaded on Google Play and App Store.

CONS: Need Compulsory internet Connection to operate. Assume when a women is in danger, she will be in panic and has less time to respond. In that time, it is difficult to enable data and press power buttons.

the authorNaveen
Professional Blogger since 2014 and a founder of AndroidJunglee. A fitness freak who belongs to the city of Nizams.


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