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Updates Archives - Page 2 of 5 - Android Junglee



How Google “Now On Tap” Works In Android M [video] ?

Google's new feature Now on Tap is the next big thing in Android Platform.  This feature is added to the upcoming Android  M. Now on Tap uses  Google Now to complete the particular task. Google Knowledge graph comes into picture...


Top 6 Features of Android Marshmallow 6.0

Google has officially confirmed Android 6.0 as Android Marshmallow. Google announced its latest Android Version Marshmallow at Google I/O 2015. The look and feel are inspired from  Android Lollipop. Google released a developer preview and tools of Android M. Developers...


Qualcomm Snapdragon 820: All you need to know

Now, more than ever, Qualcomm is visible to all. The number of top models that use the Snapdragon 810 has increased significantly recently (including these three new models of Sony Xperia Z5 presented at IFA). Other producers, however, are apparently...

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