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Updates Archives - Android Junglee



OnePlus Starts Rolling Out Android 7.1.1 Update To OnePlus 3 and 3T

It's Easter time and OnePlus is already rolling out a gift to everyone as a "System Update". Yes, it's the Android 7.1.1 update for the OnePlus 3 and 3T. OnePlus has started rolling out the Android 7.1.1 update finally to the OnePlus...


Top 5 Features of Android Nougat 7.0

Google has officially announced Android N as Android Nougat. Nougat! What's that? I don't know, just google it. The rumors around  Android N were spreading like wildfire all around the interwebs, few of which made sense and were quite believable rest...


Top 4 Best Custom Roms For Android Phones

The worlds most popular Smartphone Operating System is Android. There are many reasons, why Android is the most popular and successful OS in Smartphone Industry. Customization is the reason why everyone loves Android, which can be customized as we want....

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