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List of top 6 features of Android Marshmallow 6.0

Top 6 Features of Android Marshmallow 6.0

Google has officially confirmed Android 6.0 as Android Marshmallow. Google announced its latest Android Version Marshmallow at Google I/O 2015. The look and feel are inspired from  Android Lollipop. Google released a developer preview and tools of Android M. Developers need early access to the next android version to improve their Apps. Let’s look at some developing tools where the developers can experiment on Nexus devices

List of Top 6 Features of Android Marshmallow 6.0


App Permissions


The users will get the total command over the permissions of a particular App. Depending on the context, the users need to grant the permissions. In Settings, you can manage all the permissions of a particular app. Earlier the apps used to access the entire information like contacts, GPS, Camera, etc. Now in Android M the users need to grant particular permission depending on the context. For example in FB Messenger, I want to use only the camera for sending photos, therefore I need to grant the permission for Camera only. This is how App permissions will work on Android M.

App Links

App Links are used to link between apps. In the next version of Android, App links work even faster than earlier versions. Consider a Scenario where the user already used MX player to play videos. So the next time user need not to select MX player as it already  granted permission.


Doze is the new feature that google introduced in Android M. The purpose of Doze is to optimize the battery life of a smartphone. It uses motion detection to analyse which apps has to be removed. Suppose if the phone isn’t moving then the apps in the background is removed. Only the high priority features are kept alive.

Android Pay

The Mobile Payment will be more secure with Android pay. It uses NFC and Host Card Stimulation techniques in Android Pay which are already have been experimented in Gingerbread and Kitkat. According to Google, Android Pay enables the users to simply and secure payment to third party apps or Android Pay partner apps.


Fingerprint works along with Android Pay for mobile payments. Android M allows to use Fingerprint system to confirm payment in Play store. Developers need to use new API’s to get fingerprint authorization to their app.

Now On Tap


Now on Tap is the cool feature which I like the most. This is the feature where it uses Google Now for rich user experience. It uses the texts in the app and depending on the context it shows the suggestions by tapping the home screen button. Consider the scenario where conversion is going on WhatsApp for celebrating a birthday. As the context is the birthday, Now On Tap gives the suggestions on Bakeries and Restaurants.

The Android M Developer Preview is available for Nexus 5, Nexus 6, Nexus 9 and Nexus Player from  today itself. If you are a nexus user then you must try the  Android M Developer Preview. For more info on Android Marshmallow then go to android developers blog

the authorNaveen
Professional Blogger since 2014 and a founder of AndroidJunglee. A fitness freak who belongs to the city of Nizams.


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