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These Moto Smartphones will get Android Oreo 8.0 Update - Android Junglee

These Moto Smartphones will get Android Oreo 8.0 Update

Google recently released Android Oreo Update for Google’s Pixel and Nexus devices. Now it’s time that other Manufacturers will also release the update. Motorola is one of the manufacturers that will take the Android Updates seriously. Now let’s look which Moto devices will get Oreo Update.

In this list, there is a notable omission of Moto G4 Play, Moto G4, and Moto G4 Plus, all three of which were released in 2016. All of these were all upgraded to Nougat and it looks as if that will be the last major Android update they will receive.

It is to be noted that the list does not include the upcoming Moto X4, which looks to be the first Android One flagship phone.

Here is the full list of Android Smartphones from Moto that will get Android Oreo Update:-

  • Moto Z2 Force
  • Moto Z2 Play
  • Moto Z Force
  • Moto Z
  • Moto Z Play
  • Moto G5S Plus
  • Moto G5 Plus
  • Moto G5
  • Moto G5S

If your device is not on this list then it will not get the Oreo update and you can blame Moto for that. Stay tuned to find whether your device will get Android Oreo or not.

M A Utsav
the authorM A Utsav
Computer Engineer and Developer by Education but also a Geek, Tech Enthusiast who has the passion for technology. I am also a blogger and tech Youtuber.

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