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The next Yu Phone to launch on July 20th - Android Junglee

The next Yu Phone to launch on July 20th

The Yu Televentures has released two teaser videos showcasing their next-gen smartphone. Yu has been promoting this device with #YuGuessWhat on social media. Yu Yureka was a big hit which were sold like hot cakes. Followed by Yu Yuphoria which is currently one of the best budget smartphones.

After watching the videos, we can guess that its the next version of Yu Yureka. The first teaser shows the phone is grinded in the mixer. I don’t understand what they are trying to experiment with the device. I guess they are trying to show the phone will have a solid body.

In the second teaser, a guy is throwing the phone all over the place. The phone fell from the table, floor, chair and stairs. It shows the next Yu phone will have rugged design.

the authorNaveen
Professional Blogger since 2014 and a founder of AndroidJunglee. A fitness freak who belongs to the city of Nizams.

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