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Samsung considering Android 4.4 update for its mid range and low end devices

Samsung considering Android 4.4 update for its mid range and low end devices


Samsung already annaunced Android 4.4 Kitat update for its high end smartphones namely Galaxy S4 and Note 3. According to sammobile samsung is eyeing on upadate of Kitkat for its low end and mid range devices.


As we know Android kitkat is mainly developed to improve performance of low end smarphones which have 512 MB of RAM. The devices that might Kitkat update are Galaxy S4 mini, Galaxy S3 mini, Galaxy Core, Galaxy Ace 2, Galazy Ace 3, Galaxy Grand, Galaxy Fresh and Galaxy core plus.

Sony also announced Android Kitkat update for its high end Xperia smartphones. The devices such as Xperia SP and Xperia ZR to get KitKat update.

the authorNaveen
Professional Blogger since 2014 and a founder of AndroidJunglee. A fitness freak who belongs to the city of Nizams.


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