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Reviews Archives - Page 5 of 5 - Android Junglee



YU Yutopia Review: Is it the most powerful smartphone?

Yu Televentures has come up with its first ever flagship device called YU Yutopia. They claimed it as the "Most Powerful Smartphone Ever". Does it justify the tagline? Let's see how it performs. We have been testing this device for...


Asus Zenfone Zoom review: Best camera smartphone?

Asus has lately concentrating on Indian market where the global launches are frequently held in India. Asus has come up with Zenfone Zoom to target photography enthusiasts.  As it is a Camera-Centric smartphone, we will be concentrating more on camera....

Yu jyuice 10000 mAh power bank

YU jYUice 10000 mAh Power bank unboxing

YU Televentures, a sub-brand of Micromax is yet to announce it's power banks officially. Thankfully, Android Junglee team got the unit before the official release. YU will be launching two power banks, one with 5000 mAh and another one will...


Lenovo A7000 initial impressions

Lenovo at an event in Hyderabad showcased its latest Mid-range device Lenovo A7000. After the success of Lenovo A6000, the company is expecting the same response for A7000. The company says Its a Mid range flagship device pricing at Rs...

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