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"Qualcomm will not support Nougat on Snapdragon 800/801 devices" - Really? - Android Junglee

“Qualcomm will not support Nougat on Snapdragon 800/801 devices” – Really?

You should have been got this news till now that Qualcomm will not be supporting Android 7.0 Nougat on their Snapdragon 800/801. But that’s a false news apparently. Well… We’ve got an explanation for this too.

First thing, the source is from a Twitter user LlabTooFeR who just tweeted saying that, “Qualcomm will not release graphics drivers for 800/801 CPUs.So HTC One M8 and other devices based on this CPU won’t get official Android 7.0”. This doesn’t make any sense to make it a rumor. We can’t just fall for random tweets from any user out there.


Second thing, Cyanogen’s CM14 is already on their way to OnePlus One which actually runs on Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 801. Cyanogen has officially announced this news. Other than that, some users on Google+ has already flashed Android Nougat 7.0 on their Nexus 5 which actually is a device running on Snapdragon 800. For confirmation, you can check the screenshots below posted by Urmil Shroff and the ROM provided by Chirayu Desai on Google+.

Check the post and ROM here: Nougat on Nexus 5 post by Urmil Shroff and ROM post by Chirayu Desai

So, apparently, that rumor is completely false.


SOURCE: TwitterUrmil Shroff (Google+), Chirayu Desai (Google+)


Android Junglee Team

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