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OnePlus 5 Oxygen OS Oreo Beta Build Leaked - Android Junglee

OnePlus 5 Oxygen OS Oreo Beta Build Leaked

OnePlus has recently launched their OnePlus 5T in the market. At the launch event, they promised some updates to the device lineup. According to them, they said the release of Oreo Beta will be starting this month of November for OnePlus 5. Whereas the official build is set to release on Q1 of 2018.

Apart from these, there was a leaked build earlier by a user on XDA forums. But the problem with that was that it was so buggy. Well, if you weren’t so curious about it and the bugs, then there’s something new for you. A new beta build has been leaked for OnePlus 5 which actually brings in the face unlock feature from the OnePlus 5T.

Here are some screenshots and what’s new in the latest leaked build.

– Video recording Now works.
– Face unlock feature added
– New UI design Gallery 
– New Launcher 
– PIP Mode works
– Adaptive Mode

The newest build is free of many bugs and is much more stable. You can try it out by going to the source provided below.

Source: XDA

Android Junglee Team

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