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Marshmallow Adopts More Devices, Nougat yet to come. - Android Junglee

Marshmallow Adopts More Devices, Nougat yet to come.

It’s time for Google to update the Platform Distribution chart on Android’s developer page for the month of September. Since August, Marshmallow soared to 18.7% in September from 15.2% back in August 2016.

Lollipop, on the other hand, is going strong with 35%, still down from 35.5% since last month. Android 4.4 (KitKat) has also decreased and slipped to 27.7-percent, down from 29.2-percent in August. While Android 4.1.– 4.3 (Jelly Bean) now is at 15.6-percent (down from 16.7-percent).  Older versions of Android Ice Cream Sandwich and Gingerbread are at 1.4% and 1.5% respectively. Finally, Froyo is still going strong at 0.1% (Really, who’s still using Froyo at all, though).


Google’s latest Android operating system – 7.0 Nougat has started rolling out slowly to the Nexus devices already last month. And it is still not present on 0.1% of all the Android devices. So, It will take another month for Nougat to enter the Android distribution chart.

SOURCE: Android

Android Junglee Team

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