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Lollipop Update For Moto G 1st Gen and 2nd released - Android Junglee

Lollipop Update For Moto G 1st Gen and 2nd released

Motorola is finally released Android Lollipop 5.0 for Moto G 1st gen and 2nd gen users. The update is delayed for some technical issues and the company managed to release on january 23rd.

How To Update Moto G to Android Lollipop L ?

It is very simple to update the phone to Android lollipop 5.0. The users will receive notification to download the file via Over the air( OTA ). The update size is around 377 MB, just download this file and get updated to Android L. Remember keep the battery upto 70-80 % while updating your phone.If You havn’t received any notification then reboot the phone and you will receive the notification for update. Use Wifi or 3G to update your phone without interruption.

The update brings some awesome features to get best of out of your phone. The material design is speedy and responsive as we have seen on Nexus 6.

the authorNaveen
Professional Blogger since 2014 and a founder of AndroidJunglee. A fitness freak who belongs to the city of Nizams.

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