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Lava Iris X1 Atom with Quadcore chipset For Just Rs 4444 - Android Junglee

Lava Iris X1 Atom with Quadcore chipset For Just Rs 4444

Indian domestic maker Lava Moblies has launched Lava Iris X1 Atom. The phone falls under entry level category with a price tag Rs 4444. The device offers 4 inch screen with 800*480 pixels of resolution.

Lava Iris X1 Atom is powered by 1.5 GHz quadcore processor (chipset unknown). Usually at this price you won’t get a quadcore device but the Lava managed to do release such a device. The RAM is of 512 MB with GB of internal storage. The external storage is expandable upto 32 GB via SD card.

The phone loads Android Kitkat 4.4 with the promise of Lollipop update. There is 5 Megapixel Purecel Camera on the back of the screen. The phone sports 0.3 MP VGA front facing camera. Lava Iris x1 gets the power from 1750 mAh battery. Its the dual sim phone with 3G and 2G connectivity. Other specs include Wifi, Bluetooth,Radio and GPS. At the price of Rs 4444, the phone is very much impressive with Quadcore cherry on the top.

the authorNaveen
Professional Blogger since 2014 and a founder of AndroidJunglee. A fitness freak who belongs to the city of Nizams.

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