Kitkat Update for Xolo q1010i, q1010, q700s and q3000 by June

Moto E has forced Xolo to release kitkat update for their flagship smartphones. Earlier Xolo Opus recieved Android 4.4 kitkat update. Users are facing some issues with the latest update on Xolo Opus. The company now revealed Kitkat update for the following phones. Xolo Q1010, Xolo Q1010i, Xolo Q3000 and Xolo Q700s will get kikat update by june.


Xolo promised to come up with Kitkat for upcoming smartphones. There is no information on the other Xolo handsets to recieve Kitkat. This is very good step by Xoo to keep the existing customers happy. Most of the Indian brands like Micromax, karbonn and Intex are not revealed any information on kitkat update.

Android 4.4 kitkat was launched lastyear but still jellybean ruling the Android market. Google stated clearly “only those manufacturers will get license with Kitkat as thier OS”. Google has forced manufacturers to comeup with Android 4.4 Kitkat. In january rumours suggested that Micromax might release kitkat by june. I doubt it because the company has not given any info regarding update.

the authorNaveen
Professional Blogger since 2014 and a founder of AndroidJunglee. A fitness freak who belongs to the city of Nizams.

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