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How To Get Google Assistant On My Android (Marshmallow & Nougat)

How To Get Google Assistant On My Android Phone

Want to get Google Assistant on your Android Phone? Remember Google Assistant that you used with Google Allo, and which is now actually exclusive to Pixel devices. But now, if you are running on Android Nougat with root access then you can get Google Assistant right now on your device just by tweaking some of the build.prop files on your device.

Important: Another thing, before trying to get Google Assistant working on your device, so make sure that you know what you’re doing. Backup your data as any small mistake can brick your device. So, proceed at your own risk. If you get any problems then we are not responsible for that.

Apart from the root, you’ll be needing some apps like buildprop editor, ES file explorer, and some flashable zip downloads too if required. All of the download links will be available down below. So, let the process begin now.

How To Get Google Assistant For Nougat Users


Step 1: Go to Google Play store and update your Google app to the latest version which should be or higher.

Step 2: From the play store, download build.prop editor (download link available below). Once it downloads, open it and you’ll see an edit button on the top, just tap that and scroll to the end of the list and add these two lines.

ro.product.model=Pixel XL


And after adding those lines just hit the save button and hit “Save & exit” and if prompted just allow the root permission.

Step 3: Now go to the Settings>Apps>Google app>Storage>Manage Space and then hit “Clear All Data”.

Step 4: Reboot your Android device and you’re good to go with your Google Assistant

How To Get Google Assistant For Marshmallow Users

Step 1: Download and install Xposed framework on your device and then install the Xposed APK. (There are so many videos on YouTube about how to install Xposed framework, just check them).

Step 2: Download the N-ify Xposed module APK from the download link below and install that.

Step 3: Reboot your Android device and then you’re good to go with the Google Assistant on your phone.

All set, now enjoy Google Assistant on your phone. Please note that the “Okay, Google” feature may not work on some of the devices, though.


BONUS: Pixel Dialer, Live Wallpapers, and Boot Animation

We got something more for you too, the Pixel Dialer, Pixel’s 3D Live Wallpapers, and the Pixel boot animation. These things will give your device a completely new look and feel, just like you’re using a Pixel device.

Pixel Dialer

You just need to grab the APK from the link down below and then install it. Once done, go to Settings>Apps>Phone and then disable it. Now hit the gear icon on the top right corner and then select phone and set the new phone dialer as default for phone calls. Remember that it’ll only run on Android 7.0 devices only.

Pixel 3D Live Wallpapers

You need to grab the APK from the download link below and the only problem with that is it Android 7.0 and an arm64 based processor for that to work. If you have those then just go and install it and then choose the wallpapers from your preferred launcher. These wallpapers are too good making your wallpaper come alive out of the device.

Pixel Boot Animation

The most beautiful boot animation of Pixel devices is the one that I admired the most after the Android Marshmallow’s stock boot animation. You need to download the boot animation zip from the link down below and then download ES File explorer from Play Store (link available in the download links below). Then just open it, swipe from the left and enable root explorer. Grant root permissions if prompted. Tap on the root explorer again (not the switch button) and select permissions and move them to RW if they’re not.

Once done, go to the device folder located under the local category, then go to system>media and then rename the default “” as “bootanimation.zipbak” (it’ll be your backup if the boot animation doesn’t work). Now, go to the folder where you downloaded the zip file, and copy it to the system>media again. Now, rename “” to “”. That’s it just reboot your device and you’re good to go with Pixel boot animation. This will work on any rooted device, though. So, Happy Flashing!!!


BuildProp Editor

ES File Explorer

Android N-ify Xposed Module

Pixel Dialer APK

Pixel 3D Live Wallpapers APK

Watch the video below to get a complete guided tutorial.

This is how you can get Google Assistant on your Android phone. Google had done a great effort to put the Pixel devices to their premium range as much as possible but Android developers don’t want to spend high budgets up on premium devices like Pixel. I guess Google has lost a big part of their Pixel lineup. Many people can experience Google Assistant now. So, the most called Pixel features aren’t exclusive to Pixel itself.

Android Junglee Team

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