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Google's Daydream is now supported by Huawei, Asus and ZTE phones & Huawei's new Daydream VR headset - Android Junglee

Google’s Daydream is now supported by Huawei, Asus and ZTE phones & Huawei’s new Daydream VR headset

Back in October 2016, Google has launched their Pixel and Pixel XL devices along with Daydream support to build up an immersive VR experience on several devices. Later on, the Moto Z and the Moto Z Force were the devices to be compatible with Daydream VR. And this year yesterday, Asus announced their new Zenfone AR with Tango and Daydream support as well.

Today, Google has officially announced that the Huawei Mate 9, Mate 9 Pro, Porsche Design, and the ZTE Axon 7 will be available with Daydream support as well along with the next upcoming Nougat update.

“Daydream-ready phones are built for VR with high-resolution displays, ultra smooth graphics, and high-fidelity sensors for precise head tracking,” said Google.

Along with that, Google also announced that they’tr initiating a partnership with Samsung, HTC, LG, Xiaomi, Huawei, ZTE, Asus, and Alcatel to build up their own VR headsets. Interestingly, Google has also shown up an image of Huawei’s upcoming Daydream VR which comes with an adjustable focus so that it can be used without eyeglasses and also provides a 95° field of view.

SOURCE: Google

Android Junglee Team

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