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What is Google Lens? All You Need To Know - Android Junglee

What is Google Lens? All You Need To Know

At the Google I/O 2017 Keynote, Google announced several cool stuff that you might need to be interested. And in that process, Google Lens was introduced but what is it and how it works? All you need to know about Google Lens is down and available here. Keep reading to know more.

Well, Google Lens is an AI (Artificial Intelligence) powered thing that uses your smartphone camera to interact with the world using Deep Machine Learning that Google claims to be grown. It detects the things that are seen on camera and shows relevant information.

What is Google Lens?


Well, you might think of a similar thing that was released earlier, right? Yes, you’re right. It’s Bixby by Samsung and I don’t know if Samsung knew that Google was working on Google Lens and let’s stop it now.

Google Lens is actually an advanced version of Google Goggles which is apparently quite dead now. I was interested in Google Goggles a lot in the time when it was announced but never got to try it myself. The Google Lens enables users to just point your smartphone camera on anything and it’ll recognize and show relevant information to you such as point it to a flower, it’ll show up the details of the flower like it’s name, scientific details, etc.

Not enough right? Well, Google Lens can do more than you can expect. You can actually point out to an SSID sticker on the back of the router and within a couple of seconds you’ll be connected to the WiFi quickly. Google Lens will be able to recognize Clubs, Cafés, Restaurants, Bars and much more you would have never expected of.

Where Google Lens Will Be Implemented?

1. Google Assistant

Google Lens is going to be implemented at its best into Google Assistant obviously without any doubts. Users will able to see the Google Lens icon and tapping it will allow users to point their camera on anything they want like a poster of a movie, a book, flowers, and much more.
Integration into Google Assistant will be much useful for Google Lens to grab the data required from the servers easily and quickly.

2. Google Photos

Google Photos will be a great thing for Google Lens to get the neural network recognition data to identify objects more accurately. In Google Photos, Google Lens Will be able to identify things such as buildings, artifacts, paintings, persons, etc. If it identities a building it’ll show you directions to the building and many more things you don’t even expect of.

Additionally, Google Lens will allow users to call a number directly from the Photos app if a friend sends you a screenshot with contact details for example.

When Will Google Lens Release?

Well, there’s no specific dates announced by Google yet. But looking at the progress, it seems to be implemented soon. We’ll keep you updated once it’s out.

Android Junglee Team

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