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Google Archives - Android Junglee



Google will Announce Pixel phones, Chromecast 4K and Google Home on Oct 4th

Google makes an event about hardware stuff every year in the end of Q3 and this year, they're doing the same. According to some sources, Google will be announcing their new hardware stuff on October 4th which includes the new...


Top 5 Features of Android Nougat 7.0

Google has officially announced Android N as Android Nougat. Nougat! What's that? I don't know, just google it. The rumors around  Android N were spreading like wildfire all around the interwebs, few of which made sense and were quite believable rest...


Google is now a part of Alphabet company

So today Google officially becomes a part of Alphabet company. Few months back Google announced a new parent company called Alphabet. Google is the only company where it became a verb in the dictionary. Google has different kinds of products...


Watch Live Google’s Nexus Event 2015 on YouTube

So today on September 29th, Google will be announcing the new Nexus Phones, Android Marshmallow 6.0 and a Chromebook. Wondering where and How to Watch Live Google's Nexus 2015 Event? According to Indian Standard timings, You can watch at 9:30...