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How To Get Android N's New Emojis On Your Device (Requires Root) - Android Junglee

How To Get Android N’s New Emojis On Your Device (Requires Root)

Apple has stepped up its emoji game lately, and as a result, there are several iPhone emojis that doesn’t show up on Android devices running older firmware. Just recently, though, Google responded by adding a next-gen set of Unicode 9.0 emojis to its latest Android N preview build, meaning that soon, Android will have more emojis than iOS.


But here at Android Junglee, we’re not too fond of waiting, so we created a flashable ZIP that will bring Android N’s new emojis to almost any device right now. These emojis were pulled directly from the latest Android N preview build, and they replace your existing emojis on a system level, so they’re as up-to-date as it gets, and they’ll work with any app.


  • Android 5.0 or higher
  • custom recovery installed

Note that this mod will not work on most Samsung devices.


Follow the step by step guide below if you have all the above things required for the setup.

Step 1: Download The Flashable Zip

You’ll need to download this zip which is around 38 MB. You can get it by clicking the link provided.


Once downloaded, just boot your device into custom recovery which in our case is TWRP.

Step 2: Take A Backup (For Safety)

Once you’re in the recovery, take a full NANDroid backup. You can do this by just tapping the “Backup” button and leaving the default selection as it is and then swipe the slider or tap yes in case if it is CWM.

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Don’t skip this process. Because it’ll be your only way to get back your old emojis back if the zip is incompatible with your device.

Step 3: Flash The Zip

Go back to your custom recovery’s home screen and then tap the “Install” button. From here, navigate to your device’s Download folder, then select the “” file. After that, simply swipe the slider at the bottom of the screen to install the emojis, then press “Reboot System” when it’s done.

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And then enjoy your new emojis.

To top it off, these new Android N emojis are so new that the Unicode 9.0 standard they’re using isn’t even published yet. This means that you now have emojis that everyone else in the world—even iPhone users—won’t have for another few months. If you’d like some evidence of this fact, simply visit this page on your device, and you should see all of the new emojis. Visit that same page from any other device, however, and all you’ll see are missing characters.



Android Junglee Team

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