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Exclusive: Moto E3 Power blasts after charging in India - Android Junglee

Exclusive: Moto E3 Power blasts after charging in India

Motorola’s entry-level Moto E3 Power smartphone which was launched in 2016 in the headlines for all the wrong reasons. On 24th October, a Moto E3 Power user experienced something unusual. We had a word with the concerned user and got to know what happened exactly.

According to the user, the phone was on the table for charging, and after few minutes the smartphone started melting. The blast happened even after using the official Motorola charger. The back panel was severely damaged, and so was the battery.

Sachin Yadav posted a short video on youtube showcasing how badly the Moto E3 Power smartphone got damaged and crushed into pieces. Thankfully no one got hurt, and everything is safe.

the authorNaveen
Professional Blogger since 2014 and a founder of AndroidJunglee. A fitness freak who belongs to the city of Nizams.

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