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Vineet Taneja is the new CEO of Micromax replaces Rahul Sharma - Android Junglee

Vineet Taneja is the new CEO of Micromax replaces Rahul Sharma

Micromax appointed Vineet Taneja as its new Cheif Executive Officer (CEO). Vineet Taneja has worked in different multi national brands. He was the Head of the Samsung Mobile India and now moved to Micromax as the CEO of the Company replacing Rahul sharma. Earlier in october 2013, Deepak Mehrotra was the CEO but due to personal reasons he resigned. Rahul sharma was appointed as Micromax CEO in October 2013.

Vineet Taneja has the experience of working in Bharathi Airtel, Hindustan Unilever and Nokia India. According to micromax ,he will be the great asset in global marketing of brand. Micromax is the second most popular cellular brand after Samsung. Vineet Taneja has the history of jumping from one company to other. So there is no guarantee on how long he will stay in Micromax.

Micromax need to improve thier after sales service as many customers are compaining for poor service. So Vineet Taneja need to focus on after sales service and make a trusted Indian brand.

the authorNaveen
Professional Blogger since 2014 and a founder of AndroidJunglee. A fitness freak who belongs to the city of Nizams.

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