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Bluboo S3 with 8500 mAh battery leads the 12th brand anniversary sale - Android Junglee

Bluboo S3 with 8500 mAh battery leads the 12th brand anniversary sale

Bluboo kicks off the brand anniversary sale offering discounts on wide range of smartphones. This is the brand’s 12th-anniversary sale, the company started in 2006 and still going strong in 2018. It’s a big sale promotion offering $100 discount and free gifts for the fans.

The flagship of 2018, Bluboo S3 is available at $149 which is $50 lower than normal price and gets additional $50 gift. The smartphone is value for the money which packs a huge 8500 mAh battery.

The next in the list is the Bluboo s1 which is awarded as the best cost-effective phone claims the company. The phone will cost you $129.99 which is $100 off which is excellent. The S1 has a bezel-less design and gets all the brownie points for the price it offers.

Bluboo is offering $85 discount on Bluboo S8 which is available at $119.99.

The gorgeous looking Bluboo S8+ is priced at $129.99 which is $70 lower than normal price. The anniversary sale is going on official Bluboo site with a wide range of offers.


the authorNaveen
Professional Blogger since 2014 and a founder of AndroidJunglee. A fitness freak who belongs to the city of Nizams.

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