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Android O to get smart new features - Android Junglee

Android O to get smart new features

Google is set to bring new features to upcoming Android version. As of now, only 1.2% of devices are running on Nougat where the latest android distribution is way behind.

According to the VentureBeat, Google may or may not bring the new features in upcoming android version. So when will the Android 8.0 O release? The rumor suggests it may be announced in the upcoming Google I/O 2017 in May.

Android O 8.0 New Features

  • Google to introduce a new feature called “Copy Less” which reduces the burden to copy text from one app to another app.
  • Google will let you use finger gestures to trigger actions
  • Automatic detection of text as address and tapping on text will let Google Maps find the location


the authorNaveen
Professional Blogger since 2014 and a founder of AndroidJunglee. A fitness freak who belongs to the city of Nizams.

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