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Only 1.2% of devices running on Nougat, 30.7% on Marshmallow - Android Junglee

Only 1.2% of devices running on Nougat, 30.7% on Marshmallow

Here are some interesting facts on Android distribution in the month of February 2017. Google has showcased some figures, it says only 1.2% devices are running on Android Nougat and 30.7% on Marshmallow.

According to the report, Lollipop tops the list with 32.9% followed by Marshmallow with 30.7%. Interestingly only 0.3% devices are on Nougat 7.1 and 0.9% on Nougat 7.0

Still, there are 23.5% of devices are on Kitkat and 9.7% on Jellybean. It’s high time for the OEMs to roll out the updates frequently or at least latest security updates.


the authorNaveen
Professional Blogger since 2014 and a founder of AndroidJunglee. A fitness freak who belongs to the city of Nizams.

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