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Android 7.1.2 update for Pixel, Pixel XL, Nexus 6P, 5X and more started rolling out - Android Junglee

Android 7.1.2 update for Pixel, Pixel XL, Nexus 6P, 5X and more started rolling out

Android has already given the users, Android O developer preview recently. But didn’t stopped to roll out the updates for Nougat and now released their new update as Android Nougat 7.1.2 beta version.

The devices which are supported by this update are several Nexus and Pixel devices, except Nexus 6 and Nexus 9. By updating to this version, the users will have several bug fixes, new features, and general performance/stability improvements. And also includes Improved fingerprint swipe performance, Bluetooth connectivity improvements and Battery usage alerts. And also fixes pink banding on the camera and a fix to the audio popping issue when on high volume.

Android 7.1.2 (Nougat) factory images and OTA images are now available for Pixel / Pixel XL (N2G47E/N2G47J), Pixel C (N2G47D), Nexus 6P: (N2G47H), Nexus 5X (N2G47F) and Nexus Player (N2G47H). You can download these factory images and OTA updates from the link Android Developer website. And if don’t have the OTA update, the devices which are enrolled will also get these updates.

Kaushik Battu
the authorKaushik Battu
A tech enthusiast, who is interested to know about latest tech updates around the world. Loves to do hands-on of new smartphones and a foodie. Obsessed with watching YouTube.

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